Clara Nyx

Random musings and book reviews of a bookbitch

Bookworm. Artist. Star Wars fan. Bitch.

I'm a picky reader. I don't like many things. But the ones I do: I love with passion.

One such thing is reading. And when I say reading, I mean dystopian/post-apocalyptic novels; not some smuzzie-muzzie romance or detective stories - I really don't like those and thus I often find myself avoiding local bookstores and instead searching the darkest depths of Goodreads and Amazon for less known, but great fiction. Though, on occasion, I do stumble across a romance novel from time to time. Sometimes on purpose and other times by accident. Ether way, I read them and review.

Hey there! Looking for a book to read?

Here's a little something from what I do on YouTube

As you can see, I do speed drawings. However, I am also known for doing tutorials and real time drawing videos for beginning artists.

Visit my channel